"Aww... you're very talented. You should make a blog or something."
That is the encouragement I will ever need. So ladies and gentlemen, this is what exactly I am doing here, putting it out there.
I am rather reserved in whether I should share a bit of context before I do, but we have been talking about learning languages, new ones or ones we have learned before but not really putting much effort to master (or at least being able to communicate casually with) it. And of those languages, a certain language came up and with it a light bulb popped up blinking.
You know how I enjoy movies and how fascinated I am by the scriptwriting that was done and how it came about to be shot into a movie. In my head I see these things in real life as we go. How, if it were a movie, will it be written and played out. And that was what I noticed then: how a scriptwriter would have written the scene. She wondered what scenes I am directing in my head, so in response I wrote it in movie script form (sort of).
S and R are casually discussing things.
(Casually stating)
Yes I tried learning French back then but I guess I haven’t had any interest so far to continue. And it’s hard.
(Innocently suggesting)
Perhaps you only need someone to learn and practice French with.
(Obviously stating)
Yeah right, perhaps.
(Started playfully but later with conviction in what he is suggesting)
The thing with French is, the more you practice, the more you build interest and eventually fall in love with.
(Startled, yet curiously anticipating what he really means)
How so?
(Fixing his eyes on hers, slowly drawing near while at times gazing at her lips and mouth as he softly explains)
See they say French is romantic. If so then I say let’s learn and practice French, you and I, all our lives, together.
(Realizing what he means and agreeing in her heart, also draws near as she softly whispers)
They kissed and live happily ever after, with babies and all.
W. S.