Home sweet home

In late September she visited my sleep
It could be a start of something deep
Dreams do often come to those who keep
on going and not only count their sheep

Cannot remember what it was and how
But she was there like spots on a cow
In a couple of days later her birthday
Just a couple more started my crown day

A bad way to go silent and disappear
Just when I was about to get to you dear
Instead my diet at times includes a pear
What three months it takes to come near

Well remembered though the day our eyes met
Flowered blouse colored brown it was not red
Seated in round table towards you my eyes led
Against you most beautiful no I would not bet

Whether that day you saw the thoughts in my head
Would like to know someday was I that easily read
Right now though all I want is for us in bed
Cuddled and blessed us both just happily wed
I will break with you all the days of my life
I will love you sweetie let me and be my wife

W. S.