Some Ghibli movie comments

Prior to 2021, I have never watched a single Ghibli Studio movie. Yeah, quite amazing. Come January 2021, fueled by curiosity and the suggestions of a few friends, I started watching some. And since I was asked how it was, I shared my comments/reviews/notes of the movies to my friends. Of which I am now sharing with you. 

I am aware that reviews can be harsh to die-hard fans but I can assure you I mean no disrespect. In fact, nothing but respect to Hayao Miyazaki for his genius imagination. These are just the comments I made after I watched the movies, nothing more, nothing less. Braved myself to put a rating on each movie. Let's see if you agree.

So here it goes...

My Neighbor Totoro 

Beautiful cinematography to take us along on the mystical experience of two sisters in the green Japanese country side as their father brought them to move. Not much happening afterwards as the sisters explore their new environment. No conflict nor build up, just a giant mystical friend with an umbrella helping the sisters to see their mom in the hospital. At least the mom can "see" them as well. (3 / 5) 


Spirited Away 

Immediately you are drawn into the curious suspense of entering another world. Full of fantasy and symbolism, a daughter must find a way to bring her parents back to the real world and rescue them from becoming gluttonous pigs forever under the spell of an old bath house owner granny. Guess anything goes in a world of fantasy. (3.5 / 5) 


Castle in the Sky 

As the title suggests, apparently it’s too high in the sky for our liking. Yes it’s imaginative, an advanced lost city with a castle full of treasure floating in the clouds, being sought for by the army and pirates for obvious reasons... Robots. Well, no. Treasures of gold, of course. But there just happens to be robots. A desperate story with no emotion, the castle stays in the sky. For earth’s sake. For good. (2.5 / 5) 


The Wind Rises 

A nice effort to tell a story of how intertwining dreams and passion can lead to destiny. Be it a brief wonderful rainbow-decorated spring or to a fleeing lasting wind-blown grief. You cannot help but feel for Jiro as he lives on with the notion that the same has risen both his success and sorrow. Notably a nice soundtrack. (4 / 5) 


Grave of the Fireflies 

Mixed feelings with this one. On one hand and in many parts, a heart felt, artistically made film to picture the grim realities of World War II Japan, the devastating result that follows, and the philosophical reminder for generations, now and to come, of how the twinkling lights of skyscraper Japan today are built upon the sacrifices of fireflies of the past. And yet, on the other, this particular sad story hinges on, to an extent, a family fall out that could have been easily resolved, and would have probably changed the outcome of it. Still, understandably can cause some tears to shed. Mine were kept. Was that close though. (4.5 / 5) 


W. S.