Love Letters

Thoughts. Ideas. Words.

Close your eyes and picture them for a minute if you can, and ponder what they could possibly look like. And while you're at it, where they come from. Where do they come from?! Are they just concoction of our physical brains -since we have one up inside our skulls- that these ideas, thoughts, words gets generated and then finally -since we also have one- comes out through our mouths in speech, or typing of a keyboard onto the monitor screen in paragraphs readable, as in the case here, from which the personal you within are then identified and understood by other people?

Wait up, aren't we identified as a person by our physical attributes: how our face looks like, hair cut and color, how we are built physically, the color of our skin, etc.?

No answers required.

Though most can often easily identify another person by their outer appearance, the you inside knows that the real person inside of another is rarely recognized immediately. In fact, lengths are sometimes covered in order to conceal it perfect from public viewing on purpose.

Letters are of words and words are from the heart. If you choose them to be.
But it would be criminal not to originate them there from the start. It has to be.
Fascination towards written words is truly an admiration of the writer's soul. 

When was the last time you received a love letter? I'm talking about the hand written ink on paper heart poured out kind. It's been a while right. Bring that back I say! Start writing those letters people! 

W. S.
