My risk a beauty

Remember sugar for dinner was sweet
The sweetest, a reminder for you to eat
How you sang nobody said it was easy
When it is meant to be read it is funny

Have seen you but never have met you
Absence noticed presence sought true
Fell for you for the most random kind act
The kindest for a while and that's the fact

Good mornings and nights were all we did
From Cuba is hard to keep the feelings hid
You made a race even to be the first to say
I still rue we missed Ralph to this very day

Hands and hair so soft to hold and smell
Beauty in all green I remember so well
Your graceful hair cut made me the best
A miss you too from you I am so blessed

Notice from your red profile anticipated
Where you are I am always appreciated
But from exactly that things got so crazy
Message you have read was not from me

How words so meaningful became a joke
Sad to witness a fragile start easily broke
The truest of feelings made to seem a lie
The harshest injustice to a man such as I

My risk a beauty a so far sad story
If only you stayed I am yours truly
Always hate going through what ifs
Needing the chance to explain this

Would any explanation though be enough
To make clear this complication so rough
Would nevertheless still given the chance
You and I deserve at least another glance

If anything from today know that I love you
If anything from tonight do know I miss you
Would have made my year to see you tonight
The question remains though will I be alright

W. S.