The Cat Swing

Here's one tip you'll never get from even the most professional of pros. If there's ever such a thing as the perfect swing, well, this is the cat swing.

Five important things you'll need to master the cat swing:
  1. An open mind despite all the crap going on around you to always find positives in any ways possible, including hitting innocent little white balls to the open green with waving flags.

  2. An entourage with you to cheer on anything you do, even if it consists of an eight and a sixty six year old. What matters most in this case is the voice of support, not necessarily the age.

  3. A mentality of a pro, even if you know very darn well you're not, to make flowing swings. Cause that feeling of successfully smacking that little white ball is really stress-relieving, even for a rookie.

  4. An available recording device in any form. You know how cats are, right, itching claws to jump around at will whenever they feel like it. The camera better be rolling when the moment comes.

  5. A lucky cat. This could be anything really, as long as it moves with the agility of a jumpy feline. You'd know you struck gold if in fact it smiles like the Cheshire cat in front of a rolling camera. 

There you have it. Swing away with a swinging music in the back of your head!