The story goes like this...
During the last week of December 2011 I find myself having to rush my butt a couple of times just to get to office on time to save face and a few bucks. It wouldn't be much trouble if I could've taken leave from work for an early and extended Christmas vacation which I desperately yearned for back then. But since I've used it all up, I had to somehow manage a smooth transition into the new year, being a responsible person that I am, though most part of my conscious being was already in holiday mode, unconsciously.
Realizing something's wrong is the first step of making it right. I can't keep on going like this. I have to step up my game, period.
See, although I'm a morning person who always wakes up at 5 automatically, more often I'd be up from bed not until 5:30, a slow starter if you may. You know, I'd be stretching my body a couple of times, roll to the other side of the bed a couple more, check the phone lazily for the exact time to justify my reluctance to get up, close my eyes again thinking I really need a couple of minutes more, and so on. There's always a reason for me not to get off of bed before the clock strikes at 5:30! That's the problem.
The adequate background (of a problem) above, eventually led to what was obviously coming, sooner or later.
I have been lucky, to be honest, to go on a long streak of clean sheets in my lengthy career as a licensed car driver (having a legit driver's license, that is) to have never even once gotten a ticket for violating road-traffic regulations in this city. Let's be fair, who wouldn't be (lucky) with the road-traffic being so jungle-like as it is now. Even pedestrians walking on sidewalks gets killed by a stupid careless driver.
Besides from being lucky, I also consider myself as a law abiding citizen who always seek to comply with the rules. Well, most of the time, I'm no saint. Especially towards questionable traffic regulations like the threesome rule in main streets of the city every morning from 7 to 10am. But rules are rules.
For you readers who are not familiar with the threesome rule: no it's not like what the term commonly suggests, most especially not in the streets at those specific hours (duh); but it's a rule that obliges us drivers to have at least two other people in the car should we choose to travel on particular main streets on specific hours (7 to 10 am and 4 to 7 pm), thus namely the 3 in 1 rule (3 people in 1 car). Sorry to have spoiled your imagination.
Getting back, the problem I was having in the late days of last December forced me to drive to office on one particular day even when I realized it was already too late to do so, considering the threesome rule will be in affect by the time I reach main street. But rebelliously I took the car to office anyway, thinking in heart that it'll be okay like it always do.
It didn't.
On that historical day, just two days after Christmas, I got my first traffic ticket, just like that. Over it is, that long streak I sometimes brag about so humbly in occasions I deem appropriate to advocate traffic law obedience. And although it was an offense to the (stupid) 3 in 1 rule, I am now officially a lawbreaker. Sounds kinda dangerous if you put it that way, doesn't it.
But to my credit, I must add, I objected any proposal implied by the officer to settle the matter right away on the spot. I refused to gratify him in anyway in order to set me loose. "I am aware of the crime I have committed, let me go to court." Hah!
The timing to finally be caught for the crime you've committed couldn't be more perfect. I remember having a smile on my face as the officer ordered me to pull over. "It's really happening", I thought, "it really is."
The officer gave me a Christmas gift of a traffic ticket as he explains the court I have to attend to settle the offense and get my license back. I looked at the date for court: one day after my birthday. Another smile. How thoughtful, the officer gave me a Christmas present that lasts all the way to be my birthday present as well.
"Thank you officer, have a merry Christmas to you too!"
During the last week of December 2011 I find myself having to rush my butt a couple of times just to get to office on time to save face and a few bucks. It wouldn't be much trouble if I could've taken leave from work for an early and extended Christmas vacation which I desperately yearned for back then. But since I've used it all up, I had to somehow manage a smooth transition into the new year, being a responsible person that I am, though most part of my conscious being was already in holiday mode, unconsciously.
Realizing something's wrong is the first step of making it right. I can't keep on going like this. I have to step up my game, period.
See, although I'm a morning person who always wakes up at 5 automatically, more often I'd be up from bed not until 5:30, a slow starter if you may. You know, I'd be stretching my body a couple of times, roll to the other side of the bed a couple more, check the phone lazily for the exact time to justify my reluctance to get up, close my eyes again thinking I really need a couple of minutes more, and so on. There's always a reason for me not to get off of bed before the clock strikes at 5:30! That's the problem.
As I wait for court |
I have been lucky, to be honest, to go on a long streak of clean sheets in my lengthy career as a licensed car driver (having a legit driver's license, that is) to have never even once gotten a ticket for violating road-traffic regulations in this city. Let's be fair, who wouldn't be (lucky) with the road-traffic being so jungle-like as it is now. Even pedestrians walking on sidewalks gets killed by a stupid careless driver.
Besides from being lucky, I also consider myself as a law abiding citizen who always seek to comply with the rules. Well, most of the time, I'm no saint. Especially towards questionable traffic regulations like the threesome rule in main streets of the city every morning from 7 to 10am. But rules are rules.
For you readers who are not familiar with the threesome rule: no it's not like what the term commonly suggests, most especially not in the streets at those specific hours (duh); but it's a rule that obliges us drivers to have at least two other people in the car should we choose to travel on particular main streets on specific hours (7 to 10 am and 4 to 7 pm), thus namely the 3 in 1 rule (3 people in 1 car). Sorry to have spoiled your imagination.
Getting back, the problem I was having in the late days of last December forced me to drive to office on one particular day even when I realized it was already too late to do so, considering the threesome rule will be in affect by the time I reach main street. But rebelliously I took the car to office anyway, thinking in heart that it'll be okay like it always do.
It didn't.
On that historical day, just two days after Christmas, I got my first traffic ticket, just like that. Over it is, that long streak I sometimes brag about so humbly in occasions I deem appropriate to advocate traffic law obedience. And although it was an offense to the (stupid) 3 in 1 rule, I am now officially a lawbreaker. Sounds kinda dangerous if you put it that way, doesn't it.
But to my credit, I must add, I objected any proposal implied by the officer to settle the matter right away on the spot. I refused to gratify him in anyway in order to set me loose. "I am aware of the crime I have committed, let me go to court." Hah!
The timing to finally be caught for the crime you've committed couldn't be more perfect. I remember having a smile on my face as the officer ordered me to pull over. "It's really happening", I thought, "it really is."
The officer gave me a Christmas gift of a traffic ticket as he explains the court I have to attend to settle the offense and get my license back. I looked at the date for court: one day after my birthday. Another smile. How thoughtful, the officer gave me a Christmas present that lasts all the way to be my birthday present as well.
"Thank you officer, have a merry Christmas to you too!"
W. S.