Here again

Why do I keep on coming here? The drinks are just ok, nothing special. The place is just usual, as it is plain. So why?

My brother has theorized that people just come to this kind of place out of simple pride, nothing more. Although it might be true for some, I'm seeing that most of the time it has more to do with plain unintentional habit.

You often go to the one place left for you, where most of the people in this city also go to, due to the limited choices available. And when you tire yourself out of the somewhat futile wandering of the same old same old setting, you look for a place to rest your ass for the longest time possible until you get your boost back for another round of mindless wandering around.

Or maybe, if it weren't to rest your feet, you're just here to wait for a friend who's stuck in traffic and already an hour late for your little rendezvous. Where else would it be more convenient enough than a place that allows you to do just that. Limitless mindless waiting.

So from the chair I'm sitting on, at the place where I seem to keep finding myself at, every once in a while, here's to old habits that seems to die hard.

Could you pass me that big chunk of turkey please, thank you.