
From attending a party in a friend's apartment last Saturday night -where we later found out that a young doctor had fallen off from level 24 of the same apartment, to the same old dumb delusional suicide bomber blowing himself up at Bethel Gospel Church in Solo the next morning, to me skipping church later that day -which I am not proud of (and would promise to go next Sunday)... It was (to sum up) one hell of a weekend.

How the weekend birthday slash house warming party slowly went from a promising swim in the pool, to a typical girls night-in of chit chat of catching up, to a semi "mid-day talk show" on tips on guys & relationships while realizing you're the only human in the room with more testosterone than the other eight combined shouldn't really be a surprise, right?

But what was, though, is how from a simple get-together-for-a-birthday-party got you thinking on more important questions you have to answer in life which probably to date you haven't really put much light upon than it deserves, like have you eaten yet? No, that's not it. I'm just kinda hungry as I'm typing this so I guess I'll take a dinner time out.

Later, be back in a bite or many...