
"...when you’re feeling something wonderful, being grateful is not enough. You have to say, ‘More, please.’ ” - Josh Radnor
The Best Man - Episode 1 Season 7
All you How I Met Your Mother fans would probably know that Josh Radnor is the guy who plays Galactic President Superstar McAwesomeville... a.k.a Ted Mosby in the CBS sitcom which, I remind you, today is scheduled to be the premiere of Season Seven which, I remind myself, I have no access to -living in this part of the world. Maybe later.

The Best Man is the first episode of the new season and it tells something about Barney preparing a wedding to a mystery bride??? I don't buy it. Him being married by the end of the episode will be sooo un-Barney. But it's a good way to start the new season I guess, to build curiosity if the "awesome" himself finally decided to settle down. Very unlikely I say. What's HIMYM without the awesome (single) Barney?? It'll be like Seinfeld without Kramer. It'll miss that flare to bring us out from the sometimes dull settings from discussing only Ted's love life.

I guess there's a lot of you fans out there asking for more of HIMYM, like what Josh said explaining his movie Happythankyoumoreplease. Reviews on the movie haven't been the greatest but I like the idea even though I haven't seen it. Yeah, when you like something, ask for more. The most basic logic of wanting more of what you like. Fair enough. So keep on asking more of good things. It'll come your way.

Matthew 7:7