People, keep replying your emails!

Who knows, maybe somehow you'd be replying an email from Mike and find your emails posted in dontevenreply. I mean you gotta hand it to Mike, he's quite a genuine asshole alright but a genius one. He appears to understand perfectly what seems to come natural for us humans, finding it amusing to read others being fooled harmlessly to be dragged into a pointless discussion on their own innocent advertisements. Pointless of course from the advertiser's point of view but Mike has a clear goal of "to mess, confuse, and/or piss" them. 

In the manner of how it is accepted as an entertainment -I, myself, admit finding it as hilarious most of the time- you can't help but stop after a while and start to feel a bit sorry for the fooled one. Has our society come to that? Online and off? We fuel our needs for amusement from others being tricked? Quite sad, isn't it? Okay, whatever, keep writing those emails people! I like Mike's website!

My ten cents: you should read the FAQ section :)